2023 Summit Keynotes


The roots of the structural engineering profession were planted in an era when diversity in engineering was nearly nonexistent. The future growth and success of our industry is dependent on creating and maintaining an environment of equity, inclusion, and belonging that attracts, satisfies, and promotes a highly diverse workforce of talented engineers. The keynote will outline the challenges our industry faces given our roots, and the opportunities that can blossom with an intentional and committed approach. John Gavan, the CEO/President of KPFF Consulting Engineers and a Co-Founder of LeaderFlow, will lead a thought-provoking reflection on where the industry has been, and bring other speakers into an exploration of ways we can change our trajectory into the future.

Confidence is NOT Rocket Science: How to Defeat the Self-Doubt of Impostor Syndrome

People see you as skilled and competent. Yet you think to yourself “They think I’m smarter than I really am! I feel like a fraud!” It’s Impostor Syndrome: the persistent feeling of not measuring up to your own resume. 

This chronic self-doubt hits people in every industry, at every level. But there’s help! You can silence that impostor voice so you can fearlessly move ahead without feeling like a fraud. Be released from the clench of the counterfeit.

By learning the powerful strategies of “The Fraud Free Framework”™ you can recalibrate your thinking, and begin believing that you really are as smart as everyone thinks you are. You’ll enjoy your success, bounce back from failure, and experience less pressure to perform perfectly. You’ll move from self-doubt to self-assurance as you reach for more opportunities and ignite your influence. You won’t have to feel like a fraud anymore. Instead, you’ll feel great about being great!

In this program, attendees will:
• Understand what Impostor Syndrome is, and isn’t.
• Learn 3 steps to turn their thoughts from pitiful to powerful.
• Eliminate the “compare & despair” trap when around their peers.
• Begin to match their confidence to their competence and unleash their influence.

Thank you to our Keynote sponsor, Hilti, and to our Summit anchor sponsor, CSI!