Melvalean Mclemore, AIA

Senior Associate, Moody Nolan

Melvalean McLemore, AIA, has been practicing for over 14 years and has both led and designed mixed-use, commercial, residential, k12, and higher ed projects throughout her career. She is proudly one of the first 500 licensed black women in the country and the 16th in Texas.  She is a Senior Associate at the Texas Studio Design Leader at Moody Nolan. She is one of the Co-Founders of the Women in Architecture (WiA) Committee at AIA Houston, which has been described as the catalyst for the formation of multiple EDI-focused committees within the AIA throughout Texas. She is President-Elect of the AIA Houston Board, Parliamentarian for HNOMA, Vice-Chair of WiA Houston’s Women of Color Steering Committee and serves on NCARBs Continuing Education Committee. In 2022, the Texas Society of Architects recognized her as one of three Early Career Achievement recipients. And this year she is AIA Houston’s Bew Brewer Young Architect Award Recipient.