Migara Hewavitharana, P.E.
Senior Structural Engineer, VHB
Migara is a Senior Structural Engineer with VHB out of their NYC office. In addition to his 10+ years of building design experience, he also has 10+ years of industry leadership experience. During the first 4 years of his career, he was active in relaunching the Central NJ ASCE YMG as Student Outreach Chair and later as Vice President. He then started working in NYC where he launched an internal developing professionals group for his firm. In 2020 Migara joined SEAoNY as an active committee member on both the YMG and Student Outreach committees. Within a year, he joined the co-chair leadership teams of both committees, roles he still serves in now. Additionally, he is also serves on SEAoNY’s communications committee as a Social Media Manager and content creator. At the NCSEA level Migara has been serving as a Director for the YMSC and active committee member for the Comms Committee since 2022.