policies & Faqs


  • Registration opens May 29, 2024 online only.

  • Substitutions of registrations are permitted prior to the conference and must be made in writing. No telephone substitution requests are accepted. The individual submitting the substitution request is responsible for all financial obligations (any balance due) associated with that substitution.

  • Badge sharing, splitting, and reprints are strictly prohibited.

  • If you need to cancel your registration, requests must be made in writing via email to ncsea@ncsea.com. No telephone cancellations/refund requests will be accepted. Cancellations received on/before September 30, 2024, will be subject to a $100 non-refundable processing fee. From October 1 through 31, no refund requests will be accepted, but a credit less the cancellation fee will be applied to your account for future events. No credits will be issued for no-shows or cancellations from November 1 through onsite at the Summit. 


  • Attendees can earn up to  14.5 Professional Development Hours.

  • Each attendee is responsible for submitting their PDH to their state boards. NCSEA will not submit them on the attendee’s behalf. 

Conference Policies & Procedures 

  • NCSEA is committed to fostering the exchange of ideas by providing a safe, productive, and welcoming environment for all meeting participants including attendees, staff, volunteers, and vendors.

    We value the involvement of every member of the community and want all to have an enjoyable and fulfilling experience. All participants at NCSEA’s events are expected to be considerate and collaborative, communicating openly with respect for others, and critiquing ideas rather than individuals. Behavior that is acceptable to one person may not be acceptable to another, so use discretion and good judgment.

    By accepting an invitation to participate in NCSEA’s events, by email or online registration, participants agree to abide by the NCSEA Event Code of Conduct.

    Expected Behavior Acknowledging that the most valuable exchange of information sometimes occurs outside of formal meeting events, all participants are expected to maintain the following behaviors during all official and unofficial/social activities:

    • Treat all participants, attendees, NCSEA staff, venue staff, and guests with respect and consideration at all times.

    • Be collaborative, recognizing the value of a diversity of experiences, views, and opinions.

    • Communicate openly with respect for others, critiquing ideas rather than individuals.

    • Be mindful of your surroundings and of your fellow participants. Alert NCSEA or venue staff if you notice a dangerous situation or someone in distress.

    • Follow the policies of the meeting venue, hotel, contracted facility, or any other location where your NCSEA affiliation is likely to be displayed. Unacceptable Behavior Unacceptable behavior includes but is not limited to: harassment, intimidation, or discrimination in any form.

    • Offensive comments, either verbally or through any other communication channel, related to gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, medical condition, body size, race, marital status, religion, national origin, or any other protected characteristic.

    • Threats (implied or real) of physical, professional, or financial harm.

    • Intentional, uninvited physical contact of any form. Consequences and Reporting

    • Anyone requested to stop unacceptable behavior is expected to comply immediately.

    • If you are the subject of unacceptable behavior or have witnessed any such behavior, please report it to NCSEA staff.

    • If you experience or witness behavior that constitutes an immediate or serious threat to public safety or a crime, call 911 immediately. Take actions necessary to maintain your own personal safety first.

    • NCSEA staff (or their designee) or venue security may take actions deemed necessary and appropriate, including immediate removal from the event without warning. NCSEA reserves the right to report the circumstances to the appropriate authorities, including but not limited to the police.

  • We recommend business/business casual attire. Keep in mind that the average temperature in Las Vegas during the conference is around 72° F (high) and 52° F (low).

  • Click here for the most up-to-date information.

  • NCSEA event co-sponsors, exhibitors, and other third parties may directly request your personal information at their exhibit booths or presentations.  Providing your information to them is optional, and you should review their privacy policies to address your particular needs and concerns about how they will treat your personal information. 

    If during the event you attend a session or program hosted by an exhibitor other than NCSEA, you understand and agree that when you present your badge for scanning or when you provide personal data, that information will go to a non-NCSEA entity and NCSEA takes no responsibility for how that company uses your personal information.

  • Adults 18 years of age and older may visit any area of the Summit provided the following admittance requirements are met. These policies are strictly enforced. Parents or legal guardians are required to sign a release and waiver of claim for children between 12 and 17 years of age and must accompany them at all times while in the Exhibit Hall and conference space. Children under the age of 12 are not permitted to enter the Exhibit Hall under any circumstances.

  • If you agree to speak at an NCSEA sponsored event, we may share your contact and biographical information with event attendees. Sometimes we may also request a photograph. In other cases, we post on the respective event website information such as your name, employer, physical work address, work email address, as well as a link to your company website and/or professional LinkedIn page available to the public. This is so that visitors to the event website, including event attendees and speakers, can contact you with questions and requests for more information, and provide feedback if needed. Additionally, speakers may be asked to complete a release agreement or copyright form prior to their presentation. 

  • In consideration of being allowed to register for, and participate in the event, you hereby warrant and represent that you are age 18 or above and freely waive, release from liability, assume all risks, and covenant not to sue NCSEA or its members, employees, board members, agents, or volunteers for any expense, loss, damage, personal injury, including loss of life, illness, including but not limited to COVID-19, disability, property damage, or property theft or actions of any kind that you may hereafter suffer or sustain before, during, or after the event, unless said expense, loss, damage, personal injury, including loss of life, illness, disability, property damage or property theft or actions of any kind is caused by the sole, gross negligence of NCSEA.  This Liability Waiver and Release is specifically binding upon your heirs and assigns and is knowingly given. 

  • NCSEA reserves the right to change, amend, add or remove any of the above Terms & Conditions in its sole discretion and without prior notice. If one or more of the conditions outlined in these Terms & Conditions should become invalid, the remaining conditions will continue to be valid and apply. These Terms & Conditions apply to all event participants (attendees, speakers, sponsors, exhibitors).

    The views expressed by any event attendee, speaker, exhibitor, or sponsor are not necessarily those of NCSEA.  All attendees, speakers, exhibitors, and sponsors are solely responsible for the content of all individual or corporation presentations, marketing collateral, and/or advertising.  

  • To comply with global data privacy laws, NCSEA imposes certain restrictions on the use of multimedia at its events (e.g. photography, video, audio, online streaming, and all future mediums). An attendee is permitted to use hand-held cameras and/or smartphones to take photographs and capture digital images for personal, non-commercial use, provided the photography is not disruptive. Photographs may not be published, sold, reproduced, transmitted, distributed or otherwise commercially exploited in any manner whatsoever.

    NCSEA may hire professional service providers (photo/video/streaming/audio) to document and display the event experience. NCSEA may also use social media (e.g. Twitter) to: (i) post real-time photos and videos to its social media feeds; and (ii) display select submissions from those feeds on monitors throughout the event venue. Attendees and sponsors are encouraged to capture their event experiences and post their own social content from the event (text, photos, audio, video, streaming), provided it does not infringe upon the rights of any attendee, sponsor, third party, or NCSEA. Such infringement would include, but is not limited to, defamation or infringement of intellectual property rights. In the event an attendee requires a release or permission to protect the rights of a third party, obtaining such a release or permission shall be the sole responsibility of the attendee.

    By attending the event, you acknowledge and agree as follows: (a) NCSEA may edit and use footage it captures and utilize any photographs from the event for marketing and promotional activities and for any other lawful purpose in the ordinary course of its business; and (b) due to the prevalence of mobile recording devices in today’s world, NCSEA disclaims all liability for the capture of your image in any multimedia format by other attendees at the event.

  • NCSEA is committed to data privacy and protecting your personal information. Information on how NCSEA collects, processes, and uses your data, which is hereby incorporated into these Terms & Conditions. Additionally, by submitting your email address during the event registration process, you agree that NCSEA and its event partners may send you event-related information. A valid email address is required for all registrations.

    NCSEA uses the personal data you provide in this registration for administering your participation in this event. This may include information about the event’s content, event logistics, payment, updates, and additional information related to the event.

    NCSEA may disclose your personal data to third-party service providers engaged by NCSEA to assist in the conduct of the event (e.g. housing bureau, mobile application provider). Information you provide when registering for or participating in an event managed or co-sponsored by parties other than or in addition to NCSEA may be shared with those parties, and the treatment of such information is further subject to the privacy policies of those parties. Except as described herein, NCSEA will not disclose your personal data to any other third party without your consent except where required to do so by law.

    NCSEA may share attendee lists (containing mail addresses, email addresses and/or phone numbers) with sponsors and exhibitors of NCSEA events. NCSEA may also distribute sponsor and vendor educational and marketing materials to its members.

    If you have questions regarding our data privacy policy or would like to request removal of your personal data, please contact ncsea@ncsea.com or unsubscribe to the emails.